Note | Notion Block × Block: Europe Event

Note of Notion Block × Block: Europe Event on Jun 29, 2021
Jun 29, 2021
Chinese version
English version
Watch Replay on Youtube playlist
Related material can be found here: Block × Block: Digital goodiesBlock × Block: Digital goodies

Keynote: What's New & What's to Come

  • International Office in Dublin
  • Language: French
  • Synced Block

How Notion uses Notion

Notion's workspace overview

  • Top-level: core company-wide databases
  • Culture of documentation: workspace-level database
    • Requests for Comment
    • Announcements
    • Processes
  • A central home for tasks
  • Meeting Notes

See Inside: 4 Notion customer demo how they get more done

Not intersted 😅

Session: Build workflows using Notion's API

A Q&A for Notion's API
I asked several questions about it
  • Hi, I used the similar method as the glitch demo to create about 900 pages by map of an array, and it always got error: node:internal/process/promises:246 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); RequestError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND But if the page numbers are small, it will work. Is that expected?
    • Yes, there are rate limit in Notion API.
    • Solution: slice the array into 0-100, 100-200, ... or delay a few seconds
  • In the changelog, the API now dynamically create select values, but if create by map of an array, it is very easily (like 10 pages together with the same select value) to get coflict_error (error 409 in console and two same tags in Notion database select properties). Maybe this new function is not so perfect yet?
    • Yes, there are still some technical issues need to be fixed.
    • Solution: Just wait.
  • Can we add url of a file to Files & media properties in database by API? I tried but got empty result. my code: {"files": [{"name": "https://url_of_my_image.jpg"}]}. I'm not sure if it is not currently supported.
    • Seems not supported yet.
    • Solution: use text property, and change the property to Files & media manully in Notion.
  • The url property can accept null or " " (some blank space) to show as empty in Notion database, but "" will course error. Is that expected? I hope to add the ability to accept "" as input.
    • Please reach out to, and we will take a further look into this.

Building with the Notion API

An example to work with a Notion database using the API.
Follow the code on glitch

Other Stages and Sessions

There are other Stages and Sessions about other topics happening at the same time, so I did not watch.

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